Self-Care Practices During These Uncertain Times

We are all trying to figure out how to best live in the new reality caused by the Coronavirus pandemic.  Like  most people I am now juggling working from home, being a mom, taking care of my family and figuring out how to stay safe during these uncertain times.

Taking care of yourself is crucial right now and I wanted to share a few tips on what I have found to be helpful in recent weeks.

  • Learning new hobbies or rediscovering old ones Acadia Benefits staff during the lockdown
    I forgot how much I love to cook!  Let me correct myself… I have always enjoyed cooking, but it was always a rush to get dinner on the table.  I never found cooking during the week enjoyable… it was just another something that had to get done.  I find joy from researching new recipes and cooking for my family because I have the time to dedicate to it.  If you’ve been wanting to practice yoga, learn how to use that camera collecting dust in your closet, or write that memoir, there is no time like the present to discover something that brings you happiness!
  • Fresh air is your friend
    Working remotely, being a mom to a 6-month-old and taking care of what’s needed at home is a lot.  And then there is the drain of living through a global crisis.  I am exhausted.  You are exhausted.  We are all exhausted.  My words of advice… and the words echoed from mothers around the world… is to get outside.  Fresh air does wonders for my mind, body and spirit and I always feel so much better after being outside, even if for only a few minutes.
  • Stay connected
    I have a large family and I miss being able to see everyone.  But having ZOOM happy hours, cooking competitions and talking regularly over the phone has been a fun way to stay in touch.  Meeting up virtually has made all the difference in making us feel connected.  Our Acadia Benefits team has also been holding weekly social hours where we catch-up virtually on what is going on in our lives.  This week we will be playing charades… which should be interesting!
  • Be kind to one another
    This is a good time to remember to be kind to one another.  Everyone needs it right now so reach out to friends, neighbors and family and check in.  Let people know you are thinking about them.  Sometimes just hearing a friendly voice can make all the difference in the world.
  • Feel all the feelings
    Most days I feel very lucky to be healthy, home with my young son and fortunate to have this time together with my family.  Other days I think, will this ever end and when will life return to normal so I can get out of the house and back to the office.  This is not a normal situation, so I treat myself with kindness and give myself permission to feel what I am feeling, with no guilt or judgement.

I hope that you, your families and employees are staying safe and healthy during these times and please reach out if you need anything from our Acadia Benefits team.  We are here to support you.

Kate  Malloy
