Top 10 Trends from the 2019 UBA Health Plan Survey

For 14 years, United Benefit Advisors (UBA) has surveyed thousands of employers across the nation regarding their health plan offerings, including analyzing hundreds of data points related to cost, funding methods, enrollment, plan design, coverage features, wellness, prescription drug coverage, and more.  As the only UBA firm in Maine, Acadia Benefits participates in this survey … Continued

Tips from Paula: Establishing a Relationship with your Primary Care Physician

During our open enrollment presentations, and here on our blog, we often remind our customers of the importance of wellness exams with our Primary Care Physicians (PCPs).  The benefits of these wellness exams are not just health-related.  We are finding more and more that it is extremely important for patients to establish a relationship with … Continued

Pharmacy Discount Coupons

As drug costs to continue to rise, patients are seeing more and more of their previously covered drugs being dropped from their insurance carriers’ formulary. This often results in out of pocket costs for the drugs to skyrocket by hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars. Thankfully, many drug manufacturers have developed a “drug card and coupon” … Continued
