Welcome Sara Closson

We are excited to introduce you to our new Employee Advocate, Sara Closson.  As we announced earlier this winter, Paula Green will be retiring at the end of March.  Sara has been working with Paula over the last few weeks, learning about Acadia Benefits, our customers, and carrier partners.  She has jumped right into the Employee Advocate role and we are thrilled to have her as part of our team.

Here is a little more about Sara:

Sara Closson - Acadia Benefits Employee Advocate
Sara C. and her dog Harry!

Why did you join the Acadia Benefits team?
“Filing an insurance claim or navigating the denial of a claim can be complex, confusing, and frustrating for employees.  I was so impressed that Acadia Benefits created the Employee Advocate position – a dedicated specialist to help navigate the system to make sure employee benefits are utilized and maximized properly.

Having spent the past eight years working for an insurance carrier, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to use my skill set to assist with claims resolution.   This position is a true testament to Acadia Benefits’ commitment to helping their customers offer the best employee benefits experience to their employees.”

What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
“You’ll find me spending time with my two girls, preferably by the water, during the summer months.   I also enjoy reading, working out, and managing my dog’s Instagram account (@harrypuppystyles).”

Moving forward, please contact Sara via email or phone if you or your employees need assistance.  You can also find her contact information here.

Sara Closson
207.523.0065 (phone)
866.761.2426 (toll free)
207.761.0976 (fax)

Please join us in welcoming Sara to the Acadia Benefits team!


